Tussen 9 en 11 april 2021 vindt het Young Reserve Officer Seminar virtueel plaats. Dit seminar is primair voor officieren tot 35 jaar en tot en met de rang van kapitein. Er zijn geen kosten voor dit seminar. Aanmelden kan door het inschrijfformulier in te vullen en voor 27 maart 2021 op te sturen naar: yrowcommittee@cior.net.
De Engelstalig uitnodiging staat hieronder vermeld.
The program includes interesting and relevant PD topics delivered by subject matter experts in their fields. The Seminar, even though it is being offered virtually due to the current circumstances, will be challenging with break-out discussion groups to accompany the presentations to allow for the sharing of views and experience from the multi-national participants. This will enhance the virtual Seminar providing a beneficial output for all participants.The Seminar will begin in the evening of 9 Apr 21 (1600 UTC+1) with an introduction by the YRO Committee to CIOR/CIOMR and YRO followed by 2 SME Presentations. The end of the evening is a virtual social function that incorporates the country briefs in a more casual setting. Participants will be sent questions ahead of time as a guide to help prepare them to discuss, with the other participants, information about their countries, their military and more specifically, their reserve organizations.